Davis Farm to School and Fiery Ginger Farm Partner to Provide Free Veggies to Students!

September is Farm to Fork month and Davis Farm to School is excited to partner with Fiery Ginger Farm to offer free produce to children age 18 and under in Davis, in an effort to get fresh veggies from the farm to kids' forks.
Volunteers from Davis Farm to School ("DF2S") will be distributing bags of fresh fruits and vegetables during the Davis Joint Unified School District's free school meal pickup, rotating among the four school meal pickup sites. This week DF2S volunteers will be at Davis High School on Wednesday, September 16th from 11am to 1pm, offering fresh locally grown produce from Fiery Ginger Farm. The next produce giveaway will be at Patwin Elementary School on Wednesday, September 30th from 11am to 1pm. In the past, produce has included tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and squash. All fruits and veggies are seasonal, delicious and locally grown.
WIth the increase in food insecurity in our community caused by the impacts of COVID-19 DF2S is aiming to provide farm fresh produce to children who may not otherwise have access to delicious, healthy and locally grown fruits and veggies.
DF2S supports the DJUSD in their goals to provide farm and garden-based education, increase farm fresh foods in school meals, and reduce solid waste through recycling and composting programs. DF2S's mission is to create an educational and cultural environment in our schools that connects food choices with personal health, community, farms and the land. More information about Davis Farm to School, including their digital community resources bringing farm and garden-based learning to students and teachers, visit www.davisfarmtoschool.org
Fiery Ginger Farm is located in West Sacramento and run by Hope and Shayne. Prior to starting Fiery Ginger Farm, Hope was a Garden Coordinator at the Birch Lane Elementary School and Harper School Harvest Project, both in Davis. Fiery Ginger Farm's mission is to grow the highest quality food using sustainable practices, deliver hands-on, ag-based educational experiences, and develop community where they farm. They believe that urban farms are powerful agents of change for the environment, the food system and the cities they service. More information about Fiery Ginger Farm, including their weekly produce box delivery, locally raised meats and eggs, and more, visit www.fierygingerfarm.com