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DJUSD Facilities Memorandum: Read this form before you submit a work request on the Garden/RISE Progress Form. It will explain project priority ranking and if projects need to be reviewed by the Div. of the State Architect (DSA). Most of our small projects in the gardens are likely exempt from DSA review.
Garden/RISE Progress Form: Fill out and submit this form for recycle and garden projects work requests for DJUSD. Updated 8/2015.
How to sell at Farmers Market: Follow these directions to allow your school groups to have a booth at the Davis Farmers Market
Davis Farm to School Photorelease (pdf, 2014) Please use this form when taking photos for DF2S.
Garden-related information
DJUSD Fruit tree agreement: Consult this form before you plant any fruit trees on school property.
YF2F Garden Grant App 2014: (pdf) Use this to apply for the matching fund grant from Yolo Farm to Fork.
Walkabout Schedule 2013: The schedule for the Aug. 14-15 school site walkabout.
DavisRISE-related information
RISE coordinator job description (2012)
Summary of RISE leader duties (2012)
DF2S/DJUSD documents
Memorandum of understanding with DJUSD, Sept. 2013
DJUSD Integrated Waste Management Policy (pdf; 59kb)
DJUSD Wellness policy, updated 11-21-13 (.pdf; 20kb)
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