May 2009
Green School Expo: On May 23rd students from DaVinci High School, Harper Junior High, and representatives from many elementary schools gathered in Central Park to showcase some of the work that students throughout the district have engaged in related to sustainability and “green” practices. The Davis Farm to School Connection had a seed planting booth, and DavisRISE showcased some school composting techniques. Both Mayor Ruth Asmundson and school board member Gina Daleiden spoke to the benefits of incorporating “green” curriculum into the schools.
City/ School District Partnership Award: On May 28th, Dorothy Peterson, chair of the Davis Farm to School Connection, was surprised at a joint Davis City Council/School Board meeting when ceremoniously presented with the City/Schools Partnership Award. Dorothy was honored for her long-standing commitment to incorporating gardens and recycling programs into the schools.
Feast Locally: The 5th Annual Village Feast will take place this summer on August 22nd at 12:00 noon under the Sycamore Trees in Central Park in Davis. Guests will enjoy local wines and a leisurely lunch made with seasonal ingredients sourced from the Davis Farmer’s Market. The event, sponsored by Slow Food Yolo and Davis Farm to School Connection, is a fundraiser for Davis Farm to School Connection, and supports school gardens, second grade farm visits, recycling programs in the schools and local, seasonal produce in the school lunch program. Tickets go on sale June 1st and can be purchased from the website,, and at the Davis Food Co-op.