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Student Community Service

Recycling is Simply Elementary
DavisRISE Community Service Awards
DJUSD student volunteers participating in school-based recycling or environmental activities are now eligible for official school district recognition of their community service. The intent of the award is to encourage and acknowledge students who find time to help with environmentally themed activities. Students can add their community service hours and awards to their resumes for college or employment. DF2S and DJUSD jointly sponsor these awards.
Both elementary and secondary students are eligible for the awards, which are given once a year. There is no limit to the number of times a student can receive the award, and there is no minimum number of hours required to be eligible for this award. Eligibility for the award is determined at each school site, under the discretion of the DavisRISE Site Leader or staff member supervising the volunteer activity.
DavisRISE Site Leaders: Directions for establishing community service awards
Determine the activities with students. The number of hours required should not be a hurdle for students. Activities can include helping with lunch recycling and composting; creating environmental/recycling presentations for fellow students; creating environmental materials; managing “Terracycle” collection programs; monitoring water and energy use.
Set up a system for recording each student’s volunteer hours.
In January and May, submit the volunteer hours to the district supervisor (DJUSD is Matt Best). Use the Community Service Log Form below.
Awardees receive certificates from the school district at the end of the school year. The Principal will determine how certificates are distributed.
Community Service Log Form
Community Service Nomination Form
For Students
Students interested in Community Service hours should contact the DavisRISE Site Leader.
Find out more by clicking on the links below.
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