Davis Waldorf School- “making sense of our studies” through the garden By Lorie Hammond, Special to the Enterprise
This column continues a series spotlighting school gardens in the Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD). These gardens are...

Sunflower art and science- a midsummer treat By Lorie Hammond, Master Gardener 2024
In conjunction with Davis Farm to School, I have been developing a partnership, as a Master Gardener, with Gan Haverim Preschool in...

Spotlight on the Birch Lane Elementary:What 56 years of gardening can do By Lorie Hammond, Special to the Enterprise
What could be more hands on? Birch Lane 4-6 grade Montessori students build a compost pile In 1968, fifty six years ago, Birch Lane...

Spotlight on Land Acknowledgment and Indigenous Gardens at DaVinci/Emerson Junior High SchoolBy Lorie Hammond, Special to the EnterpriseSpring blooms in the DaVinci/Emerson indigenous garden
Spring blooms in the DaVinci/Emerson indigenous garden We should take a moment to acknowledge the land on which we are gathered. For...

Spotlight on the many storied gardens at Davis High School
By Lorie Hammond, Special to the Enterprise This column is the fifth of a series spotlighting one school garden in the Davis Joint...

Two concepts; two gardens; many volunteers. By Lorie Hammond.
See Willett Elementary’s third grade winter vegetable garden, led by parent volunteer Christopher Hartley, in conjunction with teachers...

integrated and inclusive vision of gardens at Holmes Junior High School
A school campus as an extension of the classroom: Spotlight on an integrated and inclusive vision of gardens at Holmes Junior High School...

Spotlight on lobos activos: César Chávez Elementary’s Environmental Enrichment Program By Lorie Ha
Spotlight on lobos activos: César Chávez Elementary’s Environmental Enrichment Program By Lorie Hammond, PhD, Education Advisor, Davis...

Spotlight on the Harper Junior High School Garden: It takes a community to raise a garden
First row, left to right: Carol Rexroth, Jane Hadley, Bin Song, Cate McGuire(Lead Volunteer) Second row: Garry Pearson (Garden...

Davis Farm to School and Fiery Ginger Farm Partner to Provide Free Veggies to Students!
September is Farm to Fork month and Davis Farm to School is excited to partner with Fiery Ginger Farm to offer free produce to children...